Wednesday, September 29, 2010

200 days and counting

Today sees a landmark date in the fact there are only 200 days to go until the big 26 on the big Sunday. It's a grim reminder that very soon I'm actually going to have to start walking the walk and jogging the jog and not just preaching about how grim it's all going to be. This week or next should see a delivery that will kick start training in one way or another, the 'success' or 'failure' pack. Apparently the success pack will be happy and smiley complete with tips on what to do next whereas the other will be more along the lines of "there there, better luck next time, feel free to try one of these other hellish races". You do however get a rather nice jacket if you don't get in so I'll be looking good no matter what the result. I'd swap the jacket for the smiley pack any day so fingers crossed for good times when the pack hits the porch floor.

Rossifer x

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