Thursday, October 7, 2010

And so it begins

Aren't they pretty, fresh out the box from the peeps at Sweatshop in town. Word is it's best to have 2 identical pairs and no surprise in the fact they didn't have a second pair in stock; I was chuffed the guy helping me pick didn't flinch when I told him I'd be needing size 13s.
The fitting was delightful scientific in its content. Socks and shoes off, trouser legs up. I was half expecting the bloke to ask me to cough next. After crouching a couple of times, standing on one leg then walking and jogging barefoot up and down the shop he gave me the verdict and came out with the shoes. Apparently I picked the cheapest pair out of the 3 as the best, sure hope he wasn't working on commission. So I got me shoes, funky top with 'wicking' fabric and Nuun tablets complete with 'electrolytes' (they love their terminology in the jogging world). And was on me way. Back home I got kitted up and for the first time felt like I knew what I was doing. I tried out all the gear by running 'The Mile' (more on that later) and everything felt... right. My body then rewarded me the day after with a cold. Methinks the mind is ready but the body sure as hell isn't...

The Mile - Half a mile to the second speed camera from my house and half a mile back. Whilst half heartedly training last year for the Reading Half I'd memorised the short route. It starts with a gentle bend going right, contains 2 mini junctions where there's usually no cars coming. There's one speed camera about half way but you're cheating yourself if you think it's the marker and worried if you're contemplating walking at that point. You get to the second speed camera and you're thinking, yep, not too bad this. Go just past it and do a turn around the black bin as it's easier than turning sharply. Suddenly, that first speed camera seems further away. You're running up a slight incline but can't remember the benefits from coming down it. That gentle bend, how long was it again? You can see the shops, then your car and then, the driveway and it's all over. Then it hits you, if I've got any hope of pulling this off, 'the mile' will soon have to be a distant memory as I'll be venturing far and wide to clock up the miles.

Rossifer x

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