Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Progress - One step forward, zero back

Yesterday, signs that the body is starting to the listen to the mind "No excuses, we're doing this". For the first time I think ever, I managed to jog 3 miles, in a row, non stop. To the health conscious out there this is but nothing, a drop in the ocean but to me it was a big deal and hopefully the start of better things. The thing that really got me was that it felt, well easy. I was planning to do 'the mile' and be done with it for one evening but upon reaching home thought "hmmm, reckon I could do a bit more tonight". In fact the only thing stopping me was the thought of a good cuppa and the fact I'd been listening to the same song for 10 consecutive times which also gave me an indication of how long I'd been running. A 2 and a half minute song x 10 equalled 25 minutes and though this proved I'd been going pretty damn slowly, it meant I'd jogged 25 minutes non-stop and hardly flinched whilst doing it! Good times :)
Ironically enough, that said song has just popped whilst I'm typing this bit. For all you joggers out there looking for a track to get you started, Family Affair by Mary J Blige has turned out to be just the job. 'Rest day' today as the training book says, fingers crossed it's upwards again tomorrow when I lace up the magic shoes again and slip on the 1000 mile socks.

Rossifer x

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